Michael Brennan


A former president of the American Finance Association, he has served as editor of the Journal of Finance and was the founding editor of the Review of Financial Studies. He has consulted extensively for corporations in Canada and the US, and in 1995 he was awarded the INQUIRE Europe prize for his work on corporate hedging strategies.

Sugato Bhattacharyya


Sugato Bhattacharyya is an associate Professor of Finance at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business University of Michigan. His main interests lie in the area of corporate finance. His work is mostly in applied theory using techniques borrowed from game theory. He also has an interest in strategy and industrial organization. Sugato’s work includes papers on bidding behavior in takeovers and in bankruptcy, optimal franchising contracts and incentives for funds to engage in excessive trading. He also has written papers on asset price bubbles and real estate posting prices. Much of his work focuses on the difference between marginal and average.

Jay Ritter


Jay Ritter is Cordell Professor of Finance at the Warrington College of Business Administration, University of Florida. Widely recognized as one of the world’s leading academic experts on initial public offerings, Ritter has been analyzing IPOs for more than 25 years. He writes extensively for The Journal of Finance and other financial journals, and has contributed chapters on IPOs to several books.

Avanidhar Subrahmanyam


Co-editor of the Journal of Financial Markets, Subra is the author or co-author of numerous refereed journal articles in leading finance and economics journals.  He previously served as associate editor of Review of Financial Studies.  He is a member of the Working Research Group on Market Microstructure, recently established by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER).

For his scholarly efforts, he has received best paper awards at the Western Finance Association meetings and the International Conference of Finance in Taiwan and was honored with the Fama-DFA prize for the best paper in investments published in the Journal of Financial Economics (2000) and the Smith Breeden Prize for the best paper published in the Journal of Finance (1999).

Subra has served as a consultant to the Nasdaq Stock Market, the National Stock Exchange in Mumbai (Bombay, India), San Jose Mercury News, and Irwin/McGraw-Hill