4 Day MBA Course

Thriving in a global competitive environment by equipping key talent with a holistic understanding of the business and critical leadership skills for enhanced productivity.

Jakarta, Indonesia| 7th – 10th April 2014

This event aims to assist executives to develop the ability and identify the most effective business tools and strategies to achieve competitive edge for their company within four short days. The comprehensive training will address the fundamental areas needed to sharpen the skills for top management executives. It will combine practical guidance, strategic insight and analytical frameworks, with key points illustrated by case study examples and interactive exercises.

This accelerated 4 day MBA Course allows executives to broaden their knowledge base as an effective education strategy and distil core components covered in graduate business programmes, providing a strong foundation on the fundamentals of business. You will leave with essential grounding on TWO key elements: Finance Course for Non-finance Managers and Productive Leadership Course.

Your Internationally Recognised Course Leaders:

Module One: Finance Course
Finance for Non-Finance – Designed for Senior Management
Financial Modelling for Business Decisions

Daniel Feiman MBA, CMC Founder and Managing Director
Build It Backwards, USA

Daniel is the Founder and Managing Director of Build It Backwards, a consulting and training firm based in USA. Daniel has been a commercial banker for almost 18years. With the extension professional corporate finance experience for more than 20 years, he has been facilitating training courses internationally in 23 countries including Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand; specialising in Strategy, Finance and Process.

Module Two: Productive Leadership Course
Advanced Coaching for High Performance and Results
Strategic Management and Execution: Leading for Development and Change

Andrew Jones Executive Coach, Managing Director
Accadence, Singapore

Andrew is a passionate leader and developer of people, with over 20 years of experiences leading in Asia. With the Global HR, IT and Operations management; he coaches individuals to reflect on their whole self (work and life), validate and define objectives through realisation and led large global teams, sourcing initiatives, change projects and technology implementations.

For updated brochure and registration, kindly contact Ms Sharon at SharonC@marcusevanskl.com

Website: http://www.marcusevans-conferences-panasian.com/20923el


We cordially invite finance researchers to participate in the Second Annual IFMA International Conference on Finance. Papers in all areas of finance are welcome.


December 16 – 17, 2014


Grand Inna Kuta Hotel, Bali, Indonesia

Keynote Speakers

Maureen O’Hara (Cornell University)

Marti Subrahmanyam (New York University)


Indonesian Financial Management Association (IFMA)

Faculty of Economics and Business Diponegoro University


Indonesia College of Economics and Business (STEI)

Faculty of Economics Tarumanagara University

Faculty of Economics State University of Jakarta

Faculty of Economics UPN “Veteran” Jakarta

Faculty of Economics Tama Jagakarsa University

Faculty of Economics Nasional University

Faculty of Economics and Business Ma Chung University

Faculty of Economics and Business State University of Singaperbangsa Karawang

Organizing Committee

Suherman (State University of Jakarta)

Suharnomo (Diponegoro University)

Erman D. Arfinto (Diponegoro University)

Harjum Muharam (Diponegoro University)

Irvan Noormansyah (STEI)

Ishak Ramli (Tarumanagara University)

Erna Hernawati (UPN “Veteran” Jakarta)

M. Noor Sembiring (Tama Jagakarsa University)

Suryono Efendi (Nasional University)

Anna Triwijayati (Ma Chung University)

Sonny Hersona (State University of Singaperbangsa Karawang)

Program Committee

Avanidhar Subrahmanyam (UCLA)

Bing Liang (University of Massachusetts at Amherst)

Christian Wolff (University of Luxembourg)

Darwin Choi (HKUST)

Dennis Olson (Thompson Rivers University)

Douglas Foster (University of Technology Sydney)

Elvira Sojli (Erasmus University)

Endri Piliang (Perbanas Institute)

Gatot Nazir (State University of Jakarta)

Hong Zhang (INSEAD)

Ign. Roni Setyawan (Tarumanagara University)

Imam Ghozali (Diponegoro University)

Indra Astrayuda (Bank of Indonesia)

Indrarini Laksmana (Kent State University)

Irwan Trinugroho (Sebelas Maret University)

Irwan A. Ekaputra (University of Indonesia)

J. Henk von Eije (University of Groningen)

Jap Efendi (University of Texas at Arlington)

Jay Ritter (University of Florida)

Jerry Cao (Singapore Management University)

Johan Sulaeman (Southern Methodist University)

Jongsub Lee (University of Florida)

Lorne Switzer (Concordia University)

Luciana A. Spica (STIE Perbanas Surabaya)

Mahatma Kufepaksi (University of Lampung)

Mathijs A. van Dijk (Erasmus University)

Neil Pearson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Nurwati Ashikkin (Northern University of Malaysia)

Pab Jotikasthira (UNC at Chapel Hill)

Perminas Pangeran (Duta Wacana Christian University)

Putu A. Mahadwartha (University of Surabaya)

Qing Tong (Singapore Management University)

Ramabhadran Thirumalai (Indian School of Business)

Ravi Anshuman (Indian Institute of Management Bangalore)

Reena Aggarwal (Georgetown University)

Sabri Boubaker (Champagne School of Management)

Sugeng Wahyudi (Diponegoro University)

Sumit Agarwal (NUS)

Tarun Chordia (Emory University)

Tatang A. Gumanti (University of Jember)

Theo Vermaelen (INSEAD)

Thomas Chemmanur (Boston College)

Utpal Bhattacharya (Indiana University)

Vikas Agarwal (Georgia State University)

Wang Jiwei (Singapore Management University)

William Megginson (University of Oklahoma)

Wing Wah Tham (Erasmus University)

Young-Han (Andy) Kim (Nanyang Technological University)

Yuanto Kusnadi (Singapore Management University)

Yupana Wiwattanakantang (NUS)


One copy with author name(s) and another copy without author name(s) must be electronically submitted in the PDF format or MS Word to: submission.ifmaconference@gmail.com, and cc ke: herni.kurniawati@gmail.com

On the cover page, please also indicate the abstracts, keywords of your paper, and JEL Classification Codes.

Papers will be elected based on the review of the Program Committee consisting of a panel of international scholars.

Paper presenters are required to discuss other papers presented at the conference.

Submission Deadline: July 31, 2014



The Registration Form should be accompanied by the appropriate payment for the registration fee, which must be in US dollars, and made payable to IFMA by the following method:

  • Transfer

Beneficiary Name: Herni Kurniawati
Beneficiary Address: Jl. Pondasi No. 31, Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur

Account No.: 0948294462
Bank Name: Bank Central Asia (BCA)

Bank Address: Jl. Paus 81, Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Swift Code: CENAIDJA
Message: (Please indicate the name of the participant)

Please email the transfer slip to;


Please note that transfer fees charged by the bank must be covered by the participants themselves.


Early Bird

(before Sep 7)


(Sep 7 – Nov 7)

Student USD 400 USD 450
Academics USD 500 USD 550
Practitioners USD 550 USD 600
Local Discount Discount

Conference fee includes participation in all sessions, coffee breaks, luncheons, conference proceedings, and certificate of attendance. Conference fee excludes gala dinner. The gala dinner fee is USD 50.

There is a USD 200 fee for each additional paper.

Registration Cancellation

A USD 200 administrative fee will be charged to all registered individuals who withdraw prior to November 1, 2014. No refunds are available on or after that date.

Best Paper

A 1,000$ US award will be given to the best paper.


Should you have any enquiries, please feel free contact Suherman (conference chair) at suherman@feunj.ac.id

Information on the 2013 conference program, please visit  http://www.ifma-online.org/programs/

Seminars By Michael Brennan (UCLA) & Avanidhar Subrahmanyam (UCLA) in 2012

Seminars By Michael Brennan & Avanidhar Subrahmanyam in 2012



Michael J. Brennan


Professor of finance at both UCLA Anderson School of Management and London School of Business
Day, Date


Tuesday, 21 Feb 2012


Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, Bali


09.00 – 11.00 am


A Financial Innovationa
  Continue reading

Seminars by Utpal Bhattacharya



Utpal Bhattacharya


Indiana University, Kelley School of Business


June 12, 2014


STEI, Rawamangun, Jakarta




Registration fee


Please contact seminar chair




June 13, 2014


FEB Brawijaya University, Malang




Registration fee


Please contact seminar chair




June 19, 2014


Widya Mandala Catholic University, Surabaya




Registration fee


Please contact seminar chair




June 20, 2014


FE State University of Jakarta




Registration fee


Please contact seminar chair




June 21, 2014


FE Tama Jagakarsa University




Registration fee


Please contact seminar chair




June 23, 2014


FEB Diponegoro University




Registration fee


Please contact seminar chair




June 27, 2014


FEB Udayana University




Registration fee


Please contact seminar chair



Seminar chairs:

Irvan Noormansyah, PhD (STEI) – imvanisa@gmail.com

Dr. Atim Djazuli (Brawijaya University) – adajazuli90@gmail.com

Dr. Gatot N. Ahmad (State University of Jakarta) – gatot11510@yahoo.com

Herlina Yoka Roida, M.Com (Universitas Kristen Widya Mandala Surabaya) –

Dr. M. Noor Sembiring (Tama Jagakarsa University) – hmns13@gmail.com

Dr. Suharnomo (Diponegoro University) – suharnomo.undip@gmail.com

Dr. Putu Agus Ardiana – ardianaagus@ymail.com